Opening Keynote – Deri Latimer

Not Crazy, Just Human: Celebrating Our Resilience and Our Common Humanity
A TEDx Speaker, Author and Organizational Consultant, Deri’s message is based in research and grounded in practicality. Combining the wisdom from neuroscience and positive psychology with the experience of living in a complex world, Deri inspires us all to create happy and healthy places for people to work and live!
If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that we are survivors! Better than that, we are thrivers!! Our very existence as a species was threatened, and we came ‘together’ to help, support, and love each other.
While we all experienced many moments of ‘crazy’ in one form or another (toilet paper shortages, lining up in -30C weather to get into Costco…), we also realized – more fully than ever before – our Common Humanity.
We learned to appreciate the everyday moments that we, perhaps, let slip by without notice previously. We learned to be more appreciative and more present in our lives (in addition to all the bread-making and wine-drinking that ensued!).
In this engaging keynote experience, we’ll explore the key strategies of Resilience (some of which might surprise you) – practices that you and I can envelop into our lives from this day forward, while we celebrate an evolving existence together!
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